Category Archives: News
Imaging of neural structure and activity in Drosophila through the intact cuticle published in eLife
Multi-color 3-photon deep imaging is published in Science Advances
New imaging technique sheds light on adult zebrafish brain
Cornell scientists have developed a new technique for imaging a zebrafish’s brain at all stages of its development, which could have implications for the study of human brain disorders, including autism. See full Cornell Chronicle article →
NeuroNex Technology Conference
Gerald Rubin to speak at Cornell Neurotech seminar, Sept. 24, 2021 4PM
The annual Cornell Neurotech Mong Family Foundation Seminar will feature Gerald M. Rubin. The seminar will be held in G10 Biotechnology on Sept. 23, 2021 at 4pm. The seminar title will be: Generating and using wiring diagrams of brain: Lessons from the Drosophila connectome Gerald Rubin is a Senior Group Leader at the Howard Hughes … Continue reading Gerald Rubin to speak at Cornell Neurotech seminar, Sept. 24, 2021 4PM
Early career scientists named 2017 Mong Fellows in Cornell Neurotech
Ten new Mong Family Foundation Fellows in Neurotech will work under the mentorship of faculty across Cornell to advance technologies that promise to provide insight into how brains work, as well as strategies to fix them when they don’t. Read the full Cornell Chronicle article here.
NeuroNex—a Radical Collaboration
An engineer and a neuroscientist gathered a group of Cornell scientists and engineers to tackle a frontier of science—the brain. Now, they form a hub. by Jackie Swift, CornellResearch Read the article and learn more here.
$9M grant will create neurotech research hub at Cornell

3-photon imaging of mouse brain activity is published in Nature Methods
Dimitre G Ouzounov, Tianyu Wang, et al. record spontaneous activity from up to 150 neurons in the hippocampal stratum pyramidale at ~1-mm depth within an intact mouse brain. Using three-photon microscopy at 1,300-nm excitation, the authors of a recently published Nature Methods paper, demonstrated that functional imaging of GCaMP6s-labeled neurons can be achieved beyond … Continue reading 3-photon imaging of mouse brain activity is published in Nature Methods